Globalization Strategy and Environmental Factors.

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Globalizing a Business: Environmental Factors Globalizing a business is a strategy for an organization or a company to expand products and or services into untapped markets worldwide. Globalization is not a current trend, but rather is one of the oldest trends existing in business. The main drivers behind globalization are reduction of transaction and transportation costs. But in order for a business to globalize successfully they have to overcome the environmental factors such as transaction costs between countries doing business together in the political aspect of the business and providing the consumer with a product of their choice. Strategies and approaches are required to be developed to deal with environmental factors such as political parties, socio-cultural societies involving: suppliers, buyers, competitors and consumers. To get the product to the consumers on a global level, the product has to be introduced to the political realm then to the general public. The recommendation of focusing on cultural, legal, political, and other differences between countries is narrower than the general knowledge required for intellectual marketing approach. Globalization is an interesting occurrence it is obvious that it cannot be stopped and the world applies the process of change towards economies that increase ten folds, and at the same time increase the interdependence of nations. This concept also permits a different approach to learning: instead of simply stressing recognition of differences from one country to the next, it calls attention to the idea presented to learn first about the specific differences between particular countries, and to develop a way of thinking about differences that can be applied to any pair (or group) of countries in order to globalize along with meeting their requirements. These requirements set to globalize are controlled by the
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