Glbt Vs History

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Week 7 Assignment 2 Through history women and the GLBT, community has been looked down upon as inferior to men. As time has proven to be a good thing for women especially the last decade because it has been a time of great advancement for women in the workforce and the outlook that society has on them. I think that people in the United States are also becoming more comfortable with the GLBT community. More people are able to express themselves for who they really are and people are becoming more open to the idea of love without limits. I think it is important to look back from where we have come and see the progress that is being made from where we started to where we are today. It gives me hope for the future of women and the GLBT community.…show more content…
From the beginning, wifehood and motherhood have been regarded as a women’s profession. They were not seen as breadwinners or professionals. As history has told us, women were considered the weaker sex, doing jobs such as laundry, milking cows, and taking care of children, leaving the “heavier” labor to the big strong men ( With technological advancement today, physiological test suggest women have a greater pain tolerance and statistics show that women live longer and are more resistant to many diseases. In the 20th century, women in most nations won the right to vote, this in return increased their educational and job opportunities. Which is a good thing compared to tests that were done in the 1960s that showed that women’s scholastic achievement were higher in early grades than in high school because the teachers and families of girls did not expect them to peruse anything but being a wife and mother ( I would say that that we have come a long way from the early 20th century. Women in positions of power or women who want to work their way to a position of power still tend to have a glass ceiling over them. This is because history tells us that men hold these types of positions women are gaining and proving that they can do just as well as a man in a position of power. It is just a matter of time before women make…show more content…
In many states, these battles are still ongoing for gay marriage and rights to be treated fair. Before World War I there were few attempts made to create advocacy groups for the gay and lesbian community. When World War II came along it allowed isolated gay men and women to meet as soldiers, war workers, and other volunteers from small towns that got displaced all over the world to help in the war effort ( In the early 1950’s Senator Joseph McCarthy held an investigation of homosexuals holding political positions. More importantly, he raised awareness and started the first American based political demands for fair treatment of gays in mental health, public policy, and employment. This lead to the Mattachine Society, which was the primary organization for gay men founded in 1950, and One Inc. the first lesbian support network founded in 1952. As time went on we had the civil rights movement that won new legislation outlawing racial discrimination. This same year the first gay rights movement took place in Philadelphia and Washington D.C. A huge turning point for the gay rights movement was a few years later in 1969 when people from the popular Stonewall Inn fought back against raids on local bars. Stonewall is still considered a defining moment of gay pride. Stonewall has been commemorated since the 1970’s with “pride Marches” that to this day still take
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