Gibb's Reflection Model

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During this essay I intend to use Gibb’s reflective cycle to assist me to reflect upon the interview scenario that was based upon the Mr Wainhead case study. The first stage of Gibb’s reflective cycle is ‘Description’. This askes the model user to provide an account of what happened. The second stage of the model is ‘Feelings’ which asks the user what they were feeling and thinking during the process described. For the purpose of this essay I am going to use the first two stages alongside one another. I started the interview by introducing myself to Mr Wainhead and explaining what I had come to do. Before the assessment I compiled a list of questions I wanted to ask Mr.W based upon an adults and older people assessment checklist. (London Borough of Waltham Social Services, 2004) The questions were to determine the service user’s; personal, daily living, mobility, health, housing, financial and educational needs. These questions relate to the BASW code of ethics, in particular ‘Service’ which expresses the importance of helping people with personal and social needs. (British Association of Social Work, 2001) . The questions also addressed the issue of mental health and emotional wellbeing. I felt nervous about conducting the interview. I was also extremely aware of the type of language I was using and the way in which Mr.W perceived me. I found it difficult to build a relationship and a rapport with Mr.W and remain professional at the same time. The GSCC code of conduct states that as a social worker I must treat each person as an individual and respect diversity and different cultures and values. (General Social Care Council). These codes of conduct help to promote anti-oppressive practice. Anti -oppressive practice is key to social work practice therefore during the interview I was conscious of treating Mr.W as an individual and trying to understand his personal
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