Gerbil Versus Hamsters

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Gerbils and Hamsters: Contrast According to, there are over 2,277 different rodent species in the world! Two that are commonly mistaken as the same are gerbils and hamsters. Classified as rodents, hamsters and gerbils are from different families. Hamsters are rodents belonging to the family Cricetidae. The family contains about 600 species which includes the hamster of course, the lemming, voles and new age rats and mice. Gerbils on the other hand are part of the family Muridae. Having over 700 species, the Muridae family is the largest. The Muridae family includes the house mouse, the black and brown rat. Although resembling each other, these furry rodents have differences from their socialization needs, their appearances, housing and care, sleep patterns, temperament and legal restrictions. Even though they are different, they both make excellent pets. Hamster and gerbils have very different social needs. Living in the wild, gerbils live in groups. In captivity, the lonely gerbil would be depressed and become unhealthy. So having more than one gerbil is necessary. Hamsters on the other hand are not sociable. If more than one hamster are living together, fights would break out constantly. Females tend to be most aggressive, so keeping two females together should be avoided. A similarity about these two rodents is that some bite. So proper care should be taken. Gerbils and hamsters also have differences to their appearance. With its long furry tail, the gerbil resembles the mouse of the two. Unlike the hamster with no tail. The gerbil also has a longer snout. The hamster boasts large cheek pockets in which it stores food and a smaller snout. Gerbils also have long hind legs, in which they stand up like little people. On the contrary, hamsters do not like to stand on their hind legs. Another difference of hamsters and gerbils is how they are housed

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