Genocide In Darfur

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darfurDarfur is a region in Sudan about the size of France. Around 6 million people live in Darfur with around 100 tribes ever since the massive drought in 2003 the government and rebel forces have been in an all-out war which is why the election of Sudanese president Omar al Bashir led to mass killings and oppression In 2003, two Darfur rebel movements- the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)- took up arms against the Sudanese government (united human rights) “genocide”. Ever since then Darfur has experienced awful crimes including genocide. President Omar al Bashir and the Sudan government sent Sudanese forces and Janjaweed militia to attack hundreds of villages throughout Darfur. Over 400 villages…show more content…
The groups started to rebel against the government and that’s when all hell broke loose. 20,000 soldiers in the Janjaweed army raped women and children and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Darfur's population. The government soldiers destroyed all crops, cut down fruit trees, poisoned water supplies, and slaughtered all cattle. The people had been pushed into the desert or into camps in nearby Chad. This was not genocide for the sake of ethnic cleansing, but one in which huge numbers of people were slaughtered in hopes that those who survived would stand a better chance under conditions. Racism, poverty, greed, and religion all played a role in the genocide of Darfur. A government that does not value human life was causing this depression. The remote region of Sudan especially that of Darfur, made Humanitarian Aid difficult. This area of Africa is not near any large bodies of water in which large ships could navigate. This meant that food and medical supplies had to be trucked in over long distances through dangerous territory. Arab militia and Janjaweed often hijacked truckloads of basic food supplies and clean drinking water long before it got near the people in…show more content…
The genocide in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people in camps. Also 3.5 million people are now considered hungry. More than one hundred people continue to die each day; five thousand die every month. The Sudanese government disputes these estimates and denies any connection with the Janjaweed militia. It is assumed that the hundreds of rapes reported and treated are not even close to the actual number committed, as victims of rape in Darfur are often too scared or too ashamed to seek help. In a culture where rape draws heavy social disgrace, victims are often disowned by their own families and communities. These women and children have been forced from their communities and even punished for illegal pregnancy as a result of being

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