Genetic Engineering Satire

875 Words4 Pages
The world of genetic engineering is a world to be feared Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Vincent Freeman. A faith birth, a God-child, an invalid with an extremely low IQ. I was born with a 99% probability of fatal heart disease. I am lonely, ostracised and rejected. As a young boy, I was consistently told by my parents that I would never achieve as much as my genetically superior brother, Anton. As an invalid, I am denied certain rights; power belongs to the elite. My mother intended to give me the name Anton, named after my father. But I wasn’t genetically perfect, my father disagreed and felt the embarrassment he would be placed on if he named me Anton. Hence, my perfect brother was named after him. Do you see what genetic engineering has done to me? It is discriminating me! It has brainwashed the minds of my parents, because a parent’s love is determined by the perfection of their child. Perfection is worshipped. It is biased! Be careful of what it can do to you next. Friends, I stand before you and discuss the idea of what it means to be human. Being…show more content…
Can you not see what the robots are doing to you? It is the discrimination that are restricting us from what we are and what we want to be and what we can achieve. We can never be the best even though we try our hardest because it is the perfects that are always at the top. Nothing can stop them from being second. When we are defeated by them, we would be discriminated against. What more can they do to us? They have that special power and ability to be the best. Don’t you think that is unfair? No matter how hard we try to be at the top, we can’t because the perfects will never be defeated. Don’t you think genetic engineering is a world that should be feared? Yes indeed! There are too many robots taking over the human race. Think about it, would you like that? I’m sure you wouldn’t
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