Genetic and Environmental Influnces

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Genetic influences are referred to as nature. This is that extreme view that all behaviour is controlled by our genetic makeup. This does not just say it’s just the ability we are born with that are demented by genes but also behaviour that appear through maturation (mature as we grow) are determined by genes. For example the 23rd chromosome determines sexual identity. Environmental influence as are referred to as nurture. This is the idea that we are born with a blank slate and the interactions we have in the social world shape or determine our behaviour. In other words we learn our behaviour such as aggression depression from stimuli in our environment. For example aggression can be learnt from the environmental influence of living in a family where you’re exposed to an aggressive role model or being exposed to aggression in the media. This controversy is one of the most debatable aspect of not only psychology but in other disciples. It is difficult to reach an agreement on weather genes or the environment play the bigger role in our development because it is difficult to isolate on without takin g the other in to consideration of the other. Gene technology is a rapidly growing area of science and psychology and is proving controversial and challenging findings. In this essay I will be looking at a number of behaviour commonly studied in psychology and ask the controversial question – what is the most important, genes or environment. Argument 1: genetic influences determine our intelligent It is argued that IQ is genetically influenced rather than the environment. For example twin and adoption studies suggest the reason IQ levels vary is due to genetic factors. Other evidences comes from gene mapping studies where individual genes associated with high IQ have been identified. Chorney et al tested IQs of a group of people and divvied them into 2 groups.
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