Generous Justice Book Review

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Book Review One of Three Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just By Timothy Keller For American National Government September 27, 2011 Part I: Bibliographical Sketch Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just. By Timothy Keller. 2010. New York: Penguin Group (USA) Inc.: pp. lix, 230. Part II: Theme of the Book The theme of the Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just is to give the body of Christ a clear and accurate definition of justice. Timothy Keller, the author, stands firm on the fact justice is caring for the vulnerable and people with least economic and social power. He portrays the image of Christ caring for each and every sinner, and he intriguingly convicts his readers by explaining that individuals walking with the Lord should do that same for the destitute and defenseless. Part III: Presuppositions * The author assumes that the readers have a preconceived idea of how to properly define justice. * The author assumes that the readers will agree with him about the book’s validity on the topic of justice and the authenticity and accuracy of scripture. * The author assumes that his readers are not in need of generous justice themselves. * The author assumes that the readers have a basic understanding of the gospel of Christ. Part IV: Book Summary The idea of justice in the world today is often misconstrued; the most commonly accepted definition of justice is giving someone what the rightly deserve. This definition in itself is accurate, but it is not complete. Keller, in his book Generous Justice: How God’s Grace makes us Just, endeavors to inform the reader of the biblical definition of justice. He proposes that justice is not only giving someone what they deserve, but also graciously giving to the undeserving. He urges his readers to identify with

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