Gender And Celebrity Branding

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Advertising is everything that pertains to the promotion of an idea – whether that idea is selling a product or not. Advertising is all about promoting awareness of an entity. There are effects of advertising that can be viewed in two ways. One way is that advertising can shape an individual’s mindset. The second way is that it promotes an idea to the public as a whole. ‘For instance, it could be argued that because advertising stresses the private accumulation of goods, and almost hedonistic lifestyles, it encourages people to think in terms of escape from the real world, although they might not actually buy the specific products advertised’ (Dyer, 2002: p.73). In advertising, gender is represented in a number of ways. Brands use celebrities that embody the particular characteristics of a given gender representation. ‘Brand names communicate connotatively and denotatively’ (Dyer, 2002: p.141). Celebrity branding is using the status of a celebrity to promote something. There are upsides and downsides of celebrity branding, and critics of how gender roles are portrayed in advertisements. The very typical stereotypes of gender roles are that the women are featured as very feminine, sex objects’, whilst men are featured as strong, authoritative and have control over women. Femininity and masculinity according to Goffmann, can be ‘conveyed fleetingly in any social situation and yet [is] something which strikes at the most basic characteristics of the individual’ (Dyer, 2002: p.98). ‘Advertising seems to be obsessed with gender and sexuality’ (Jhally, 1990, p.135). This is because gender is in human form, it’s either we are male or female, so it is important to identify with who we are, before we can relate to the advertisement. Along with realizing which gender we are, it comes with the traits each gender represent. Celebrities are sometimes associated with brands
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