Fundamentals of Effective Communication in the Workplace

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Communication (from Latin commūnicāre, meaning "to share"[1]) is the activity of conveying meaning through a shared system of signs and semiotic rules. Communication is the fundamental way to convey thoughts, feelings through verbal and nonverbal queues. Having effective communication skills is the ability to use the correct wording or terminology, and using the appropriate body language according to your audience. Your audience can be your employees, coworkers, partners, friends…. your listeners. T work, we are required to attend a certain number of meetings or training sessions. Being new to the investor industry, I sometimes find it difficult to keep up to the language and terminology used. One of the speakers, who actually do not like to speak in front of groups, uses effective communication tin his speeches. His ability to breakdown the terminology and go plain speak to the audience. By using plain speak he is able to keep the audience engaged without losing them to boring talk. By speaking to the audience using the appropriate body language, the speaker makes eye contact when speaking. He walks up and down the room, capturing the eyes of some of his audience and speaks to them. He does not minimize himself or the audience by looking down or spots on the wall or ceiling. The speaker is patient when the audience is asking questions and also rephrases the question to make sure that he understands what the audience is asking. He has an ability to assure that the audience knows that every question or comment is valuable. To foster effective communication in the workplace first the manager should lead by example. By ensuring that the manager can promote good and open constructive communication without the fear of reprisal. Other ways to foster effective communication are: make sure that all employees hear what the speaker has to say,
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