Frq British Mercantilism

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Trans-Atlantic Trade and Great Britain’s mercantilist policies had been enforced ever since Christopher Columbus connected New World and Old world in 1492. These policies lead to the growth of slavery in 13 colonies, as well as legislation restricting the colonies trade. Economy of colonies was based on trade and providing raw materials. British mercantilism had greatest impact on the economy of the 13 colonies. Mercantilism was first created to make the mother country obtain more power. Mother country had gained its power by getting raw materials from colonies, made manufactured goods and sold them back to colonies. When British bought goods, it had to be shipped in British ships simulating British ship building industry and nay. Another factor is that mercantilism made a favorable balance of trade for mother country, which indicated that there had to be more exports than imports. British wanting to establish mercantilism policy, they made Navigation acts. Another purpose was to exclude Dutch smuggling into colonies. First Navigation Act (1660) stated that every thing that was shipped to England had to Trans- Atlantic trade was an international trade primary between New England colonies, Europe, West Indies, and Africa. During the 100 year period, colonists were participating in the triangular trade New England ships carrying rum sailed to Africa, where slaves were brought to the West Indies or Charleston in the Middle Passage, and the West Indies sent sugar and molasses back to New England to make rum. Other variations include manufactured goods from England for colonial tobacco, fish, grain, and naval stores (mast, pitch, tar, and turpentine) and foodstuffs and lumber for sugar, molasses, and slaves from the West

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