Fragile X Syndrome

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Fragile X Syndrome is a prevalent genetic disorder. Other than Down’s syndrome, Fragile X is currently the leading cause of hereditary mental retardation. Even though it is considered a male dominant condition, fragile X does influence females and has many effects on the social, emotional, educational, and family aspects of life. Characteristics of Fragile X Fragile X is an inherited developmental disability and is named from the mutation of the X chromosome, causing a fragile site to appear. Many females will be carriers of this gene due to the presence of two X chromosomes making chances of inheritance of this abnormality half, while the male has only one X chromosome and therefore acquires the syndrome. Males…show more content…
Also psychological disorders like depression and anxiety may also be present and twenty – five percent suffer from seizures. Participating in Society with Fragile X Due to the greater probability of aggressiveness and anxieties appearing, social skills will be influenced therefore making their abilities to participate in social activities increasingly difficult. A connection has also been found between fragile X and autism consequently, avoidance behaviors could also appear. Another well known reason why children have difficulties in social situations is the prejudices of society and their perceptions. Baker and Donelly described it best “negative perceptions of children with disabilities have devastating effects on social experiences” (2001, p.72). Emotions and Fragile X With these factors present along with the heightened emotional sensitivity associated with Fragile X Syndrome, many have feelings of isolation, low self – esteem and have difficulties having close friendships. Numerous social factors may complicate emotions, in that the person with Fragile X Syndrome may be excluded or discriminated due to these feelings. Tsiouris and Brown also state, “Males with Fragile X Syndrome are more shy, socially withdrawn, and less energetic than adults with intellectual disability but without Fragile X Syndrome”…show more content…
These relationships come in forms of physicians, teachers, and significant others in that family. As with any family that has a member with a developmental disorder, many aspects are impacted by the diagnosis and the results of that impact on the person that has the disorder. Many feelings of stress, inadequacy, and being unsupported by physicians or significant others abide. A study by Pembrey, Turner, Carmichael, and Barnicoat proves this point. They gave a survey of questions to parents of children with Fragile X to see how the diagnosis affected their experiences. Out of 413 questionnaires only 245 were used for this
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