Formal Language Essay

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‘I never use formal language. As long as I’m understood, it doesn’t matter’. Do you agree? Formal language is used commonly in almost all society’s and has a unique specific importance in certain contexts. Semantic’ s are an essential part of speech, but texts also need discourse and politeness. Language is important in certain situations, but it will always come secondary to meaning. Language is often defined by its social setting and formality is an essential part of language in certain contexts. Formal languages importance is defined by the conditions the language is practiced. It is needed in situations such as a job interview where a ‘good impression’ is an essential part of your job criteria, (goal of the job interview is to show the employer that you have the skills, background, and ability to do the job and that you can successfully fit into the organisation and its work cultures- formal polite language can build good respectful rapport and gives other impression that individual is highly educated, promoting their intelligence allowing them to progress through the job world and get promotions etc. It is also an essential part in official situations, where errors and ambiguity are unacceptable. And clarity is of the utmost importance. For example the courtroom requires 100% precision otherwise information may be misinterpreted and thus can eventually lead to wrong decisions being made. Formal language is necessary part of speech in a variety of contexts and encouraged in others. Semantics is an essential feature of speech/texts, however discourse and politeness give further information about speech/texts. Producing meaning is a necessary part of speech but the way that is presented can either maintain/ reduce social distance and increase respect. A discourse that is unstructured, has no semantic relations etc.

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