Five Senses Essay

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Five days, five senses In this lesson, students will learn about the five senses through observations and hands-on activities. A lesson plan for grade K Science Learning outcomes Students will learn that we have five senses in which to explore our world. Teacher planning Time required for lesson 1-week Materials/resources * five different objects to observe * (these can be everyday classroom objects like a box of crayons, a block, etc.) * audio recording of various sound effects * six small plastic containers * should be the same size and should not be see-through * objects to put in the containers: * sand in two containers * pennies in two containers * cotton balls in two containers * three socks, each filled with a different object — for example: * candle * cookie cutter * wooden block * four plastic cups, each containing an object with a distinct smell — for example: * peppermint oil, peppermint candy, or crushed fresh peppermint * cinnamon stick * chocolate syrup * half a lemon * salt * sugar * flour * book Your Five Senses by Bobbi Katz Pre-activities Students should know the functions of their eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and hands. Activities Introduce one sense a day. Spend about thirty minutes each day discussing and experimenting with the sense of the day. Day 1: 1. Read the book Your Five Senses by Bobbi Katz. 2. Explain to the children that we have five senses: seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling. Today, we will discuss the sense of sight by playing a game called “What’s Missing?” 3. Lay five different objects in front of the children for them to observe with their eyes. Discuss how each object looks. 4. Then, lay a sheet or towel over the five objects. Tell the children to close their

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