Final Research Project

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Final Research Project RES/341 Final Research Project Using the real estate data set the team will identify a research problem, describe the problem, and provide a definition using quantifiable measures. The team will also identify the research hypothesis, the operational definitions for each variable, the levels of measurement as well as the scales for each variable. The next step involves a summary of the literature review, identifies the data collection and analysis process, and shows the associated calculations regarding the measure of central tendency, dispersion, and skew of the data. The last step consists of calculating and displaying the confidence intervals along with discussing the conclusions of the project. Problem…show more content…
“The real estate market is affected and formed not only by economic and productive factors, but, also by various qualitative characteristics of the natural and human environment” (Nikolaos, Dimitra, & Agapi, 2011, para. 1). The case study shows how cities evolve and change a great deal over time. The relationship that people once had with city living is turning more toward nature living. Factors that influence this change are the economic, environmental, and social…show more content…
The figure above together with the table provides a view of the frequency, central tendency, dispersion, and skew for the house prices. The graph above indicates most houses range in price from $200,000 to $250,000. |Township | |House Price |House Size | |Distance Form Town | | | | | | | | | |Mean |3.10 |Mean |221.10 |Mean |2223.81 |Mean |14.63 | |Standard Error |0.13 |Standard Error |4.60 |Standard Error |24.27 |Standard Error |0.48 | |Median |3.00 |Median |213.60 |Median |2200.00 |Median |15.00 | |Mode |4.00 |Mode |188.30 |Mode |2100.00 |Mode |16.00 | |Standard Deviation |1.29 |Standard Deviation |47.11 |Standard Deviation |248.66 |Standard Deviation |4.87 | |Sample Variance |1.65 |Sample Variance |2218.92 |Sample Variance |61831.50 |Sample Variance |23.75 | |Kurtosis |-1.04 |Kurtosis |-0.28 |Kurtosis |0.60 |Kurtosis |-0.17 | |Skewness |-0.17 |Skewness |0.47 |Skewness |0.32 |Skewness |0.40 | |Range |4.00 |Range |220.30 |Range |1300.00 |Range |22.00 | |Minimum |1.00 |Minimum |125.00 |Minimum |1600.00 |Minimum |6.00 | |Maximum |5.00 |Maximum |345.30 |Maximum |2900.00 |Maximum |28.00 | |Sum |326.00 |Sum |23215.80 |Sum |233500.00 |Sum |1536.00 | |Count |105.00 |Count |105.00 |Count |105.00 |Count |105.00
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