Changing Urban Environments Revision Notes Aqa

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Changing Urban Environments: What are the characteristics and causes of urbanisation? (Urbanisation=a process where an increasing proportion of the population lives in towns and cities) Causes: Rural-urban migration and natural increase. Rural urban migration works because of push and pull factors bringing someone from the countryside to the city. Pushes factors include bad living quality and pull factors include better jobs. Natural increase is where more people come into the city because of natural factors such as more births. How does land use vary in an urban area? In all towns, the land use varies, in some areas, shops may be dominant, however in others, and housing dominates. Some have areas with mixed land where the function varies. In British cities, certain areas tend to have similar characteristics. The central area tends to be the Central Business Disctict (CBD). The area around this tends to be the oldest and is referred to as the inner city. Newer areas are generally found on the outskirts, often known as the outer city or suburbs. What are the issues for people living in richer parts of the world? 1: housing Population has grown by 7% since 1971 and it will continue to grow. The number of households since 1971 had grown by 30%; this is mostly because people live alone. More people are demanding houses being built because people leave home earlier, marry later divorce and live later. The government want to build 240,000 houses every year until 2016 so that prices do not spiral out of control. 60% of these will target Brownfield sites. 2: the inner city Part of the demand for housing will be satisfied in inner city areas. Successive governments have had a variety of strategies to improve living in inner cities since 1945-most infamously the building of cheap, high-rise blocks of flats in the 1960s and 70s as a ‘quick fix’. Over the years,
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