Feminism To Gender Inequality

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The Catalyst to Gender Inequality: The effects of modern day western feminism on The discrimination of Men in the west Women’s rights in the Arab & Islamic World Ibrahim Tabbara Abstract This essay will analyze modern western feminism critically, by examining the issues both genders face in the Arab & Western worlds from social and legal perspectives. And explain how western feminism did not only harm western men, but did harm Arab women by supporting Sharia or Islamic law. The purpose of this essay is to establish a common ground between western feminists and men’s rights activists. The Catalyst to Gender Inequality In the 1960s 2nd wave feminism helped women have their right to vote, equal job opportunities, equal…show more content…
• Child marriage still exists, a woman by the name of Huda had to get married at the age of 12, her husband forced her to have sex with him since her wedding night. He used to beat her, verbally abuse her, she used to think that this was a normal relationship between a man and a woman. She divorced him, but she still lives in fear, from her ex, as well as from society not accepting her issues, for the sake of her kids. • A woman cannot travel abroad, without the approval of her male guardian. • Honor killings still…show more content…
Molly Shattuck 47 sexually assaulted a 15-year-old boy, she gave alcohol, the boy felt violated when he saw her giving him a blow job, she was reported to the police, the Judge sentenced her to probation and to 48 weekends of prison. Nevertheless, Jarred Fogle, who was guilty of possessing child pornography, and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. It is okay if the 15-year-old was sober and gave the woman his permission to receive oral sex. Science has proved that a rape victim can be sexually aroused, but this is only a biological response and does not mean that the victim is enjoying it. And it is different if a man is dominated by his female partner as a foreplay. • Male victims of domestic violence are not taken seriously. • Male sexuality is now demonized by feminists, according to them if a man looks at a woman or asking her out then he is automatically raping her. And if a man is sexually attracted to a woman, he still understands the concept of consent, and recognizes her as a human being. • Men now have it a lot harder in terms of dating. • Male virginity is shamed, boys who have reached a certain age and have never kissed a girl are teased and ridiculed by society, and with respect to dating his status is measured by how many partners he had. -The media is also to blame because
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