Feminism Is Propaganda

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Feminism is Propaganda The textbook definition of feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Modern day extremist feminism is anyone who believes women are more equal than men and are willing to go to any length to prove that. Hanna Rosin is an extremist feminist based on what she has wrote in this article. Feminist groups in today’s society are still trying to push their beliefs that women are still oppressed in today’s society by use of propaganda. Hanna Rosin’s article “The End of Men” pushes readers into believing her views that women are becoming increasingly more powerful than men in the workforce by use of skewed, unfounded facts and propaganda. In my opinion, Rosin had her own agenda in mind when she wrote this article; her agenda being trying to push her propaganda on her readers. “Man has been the dominant sex since, well, the dawn of mankind. But for the first time in human history, that is changing–and with shocking speed” (Rosin, Paragraph 8). This was Rosin’s first mistake. One of the first civilizations, the Mesopotamians, believed in a mother God who had created the world and everything in it. Also, oracles, or psychics, were exclusively women during this time period because the Mesopotamians believed their minds had the ability to transcend normal, everyday people. Wouldn’t this make women the dominant sex at the dawn of mankind? This isn’t Rosin’s only mistake, nor is it her last. Halfway through the article, Rosin mentions how women, “now earn 60 percent of master’s degrees, about half of all law and medical degrees and 42 percent of all M.B.A’s” (Rosin, Paragraph 37). What Rosin barely talks about, almost on purpose, is the fact that it is way easier for women to get accepted into colleges than it is for men. In today’s society, there are scholarships that will
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