Fc 1 - Understand the Context of Supporting Children and Young People Through Foster Care

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1: Understand the circumstances that can lead to children and young people accessing foster care Reasons children and young people come into care: * Domestic Violence * Parent’s drug and/or alcohol problems * Parent’s serious mental health problems * Problems with housing * Parent’s serious illness or death * Children who are asylum seekers or have been brought into the country illegally and are unaccompanied * Single parent in need of support * Parent-child relationship break down, unable to cope with difficult behaviour * Parent’s arrest/sentencing * Physical abuse (for example causing injury by hitting, shaking, throwing, burning, drowning, suffocating, poisoning) * Neglect (persistently failing to meet a child’s basic needs for health, food, warmth, shelter, love, supervision, education, also includes pre-birth neglect i.e. foetal alcohol) * Sexual Abuse (grooming, forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activity, including looking at/production of pornographic images) * Emotional Abuse (persistent ill-treatment of a child that makes them feel worthless, frightened and unloved) * Family breakdown * No living relatives * Children with additional needs (including short-breaks) * Youth offending Changes a child or young person in care may experience: * Separation from their parents and siblings * Separation from wider family members including grandparents, aunts and uncles * Separation from friends * Separation from family pets * Change in daily routine * Loss of personal belongings * Change in diet * Change in surroundings * New clothing * New set of boundaries * Possibly new school or nursery * Loss of normal hobbies and interests e.g. youth groups or swimming clubs they attended * Placement breakdown, more than one carer or lived with different families *

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