Farnsworth Company Essay

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FARNSWORTH COMPANY ABP FINAL REPORT Laureano Rodrigo Koch December 2011 Executive Summary As a board member representing the third shareholder family of Farnsworth, I am in disagreement with Mr. Thursday’s proposal to invest US$3’200,000 into new Decorative and Industrial presses, floor space and Working Capital. Understanding our need to continue growing in the laminated plastic product manufacturing industry, my recommendation and counterproposal is to invest US$800,000 in the purchase of the two Industrial laminate presses (including the corresponding expansion of floor space and working capital) and another US$1’600,000 into additional working capital to maintain our operations running due to critical cash shortage. This recommendation includes fully dedicating our resources into the industrial Laminated industry. This counterproposal will be financed through: i) Selling our Decorative Laminated assets in the short term; and ii) increased sales and working capital optimization in the medium term. Farnsworth Re-engineering In order to understand this recommendation we need to address two important decision criteria: a) Market potential; b) Profitability and Working Capital assessment. a) Market Potential Farnsworth incredible growth since 20071 onwards, has been primarily through decorative laminates and Mr. Thursday continues to believe this should be the company’s expansion route. This belief lies in two basic assumptions: i) Our current growing decorative participation in Farnsworth sales is a reliable prediction of the decorative market trend altogether; and ii) There is still a big white space in decorative laminates, specifically through furniture manufacturers, and we will be able to capture this share of industry. Even though our current growth trend is through decorative plastic laminates, it is unfair to correlate this to a similar

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