Family Life in Literature

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Family life has always been a subject of research in literature. Famous writers have always described how people build their family relationships. Family life has changed over the centuries, but family values have never been a subject of change. The problem of parents and children belongs to the eternal problems of mankind. However, this problem is interpreted in different centuries differently. This is understandable: new people, new social conditions of life - even different problems. I. Levitsky Nechuy-in his story "The Kaydash’ Family" touches the problem of parents and children of a critical period of Ukranian history - feudalism and serfdom. Serfdom was removed, all people became free but they not always ware able and know how to live in new society. The Kaydash’ family from the novel written by I. Nechui-Levitsky - a typical peasant family, who tried to live in new circumstances of post-reform village of the second half of theXIX century. The writer created realistic images of two generations of the Kaydashes, filling them with the typical traits of small owners. Old Kaydash is a hardworking person of the times of serfdom, when younger generation was forced to obey the lord and parents. His children are also educated andhardworking, but they do not want to obey parental authority - and this is one of the problems of parents and children ofthe Kaydashes. The children want to be independent from their parents, who ware not able to allow children live and work independently, because of their ideology. Generally, these domestic misunderstandings are now actual in every family, so we need to treat them with understanding. Omelko Kaydash and his wife Maria all their life did told their sons and daughters-in-law what to do, and this led to quarrels in the family. This is the second important problem among children and parents. We believe that
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