Failures to Protect Individuals from Abuse...

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I will start by saying that abuse can happen anywhere and anytime, especially to vulnerable people, ie children or,elderly people, people with disabilities, people with learning difficulties. It can even happen in places people should feel and be safe, ie hospitals, residential/ nursing homes, schools, daycare/ nurseries, centres etc. These are two cases i researched of reported abuse... The first is of a well known case that happen back in 2011 that hit the news and shocked everyone that watched it. The place was called The Winterbourne view that was owned by Castlebeck Care Ltd based in Teeside. It was nationally reported and named and shamed on the tv show Panarama. The Winterbourne case was reported nationally because it was such a disgusting mistreatment of vulnerable people, 11 members of staff were caught on cctv after visitors and patients complained about mistreatments. The evidence that was captured showed physical abuse such as, slapping, poking eyes, pulling hair, even as unbelievable as trapping them under chairs, and soaking residents in freezing cold water. It also showed emotional and verbal abuse in the form of name calling. The CQC was informed that the BBC television programme Panorama had gathered evidence over several months including secret filming to show serious abuse of patients at Winterbourne view. After they looked into the case they found that the centre was run at a very low standed and the staff was under trained and left to there own devices and methods which in some cases were horrific. Here are just a few of the things that the centre did not do that was later found out... Failure to protect people or to investigate allegations of abuse. Failed in its legal duty to notify the CQC of serious incidents including injuries to patients or occasions when they had gone missing. Staff did not

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