Failure Better Than Success

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Failure is a Better Teacher Than Success In the past, I have found that my failures have been better teachers than my successes. When others notice my weaknesses and instruct me on how to improve them, I come closer to achieving my goals. It’s always nice to hear "good job," but what really pushes me to try harder is a little negative insight. My ability to handle these critiques lets me use the knowledge of my failures to begin working toward my ultimate objectives. This applies to both school and athletics, and any other aspect of my life where failure is possible. If at first I do not meet my expectations, my mistakes only motivate me to work harder. These failures play a vital role in my life and teach me valuable lessons that I would not learn if I were always successful. One of the main areas where I have used my failures to better myself is in athletics. Whether in basketball, football, or baseball, failure has been a constant motivator for me. It is only through the process of learning from these failures that I have been able to work toward my ultimate goal of success. For me, this is defined as consistently performing at my best possible level. My personal failures have shown me a lot about myself, and because of them, I am always learning strategies for self-improvement. All my life, athletics have been a major part of who I am. Taking up most of my free time away from school and work, I have had plenty of experience dealing with the effects of both success and failure. I know that I never would have gotten the opportunity to spend my first term of this college year as a member of the Florida State College at Jacksonville baseball team without dealing with failure. Failures in baseball are frequent, and I learned early to become accustomed to dealing with lessons learned from these events on a daily basis. For example in baseball, a “failure’s game,”

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