Failed Marriages Essay

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Failed Marriages Most people have seen a failed marriage that could have been caused by a large number of problems or issues. Marriages have been failing since they were created, although the number of failed marriages or divorces has fluctuated over time. Marriage is a complicated thing that takes patience and love to make successful. Marriage is an important thing that can be ruined by some of the smallest problems building up over time. When a child is introduced into the equation it can complicate things that much more with a custody battle and the child thinking he/she was the problem and caused the divorce. The child can then grow up with more problems than a child with parents that stayed together throughout their bringing up. Failed marriages not only make things tense between the couple, but with the people around them also. There are several reasons for divorce many of which could have been avoided with counseling or better communication skills. Several of the reasons are: Financial problems, A lack of commitment to the marriage, A dramatic change in priorities, Poor communication, Failed expectations or unmet needs, Addictions and substance abuse, Physical, sexual or emotional abuse, and Lack of conflict resolution skills. Some studies have shown different results, but the majority show similar results that support the above reasons for divorce. Several of the divorce lawyers and marriage counselors say things like: "A variety of studies suggest that the seeds of marital distress and divorce are there for many couples when they say, "I Do." These studies show that premarital (or early marital) variables can predict which couples will do well and which will not with accuracies of 80% up to 94%. "Mismanaged conflict and negative interaction in marriage predicts both marital distress and negative effects for children."Money is the one thing that people
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