Fahrenheit 451 Review

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Although Fahrenheit 451 contemplates how government censorship, control, and fear have the power to dictate life, it is offset by the atmosphere of perseverance placed around the novel, as well as Bradbury’s complete understanding of his First Amendment rights. Bradbury ties personal freedom to the right of an individual having the freedom of expression when he utilizes the issue of censorship in Fahrenheit 451. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.” The common reading of the First Amendment is that commitment to free speech is not the acceptance of only non-controversial expressions that enjoy general approval. To accept a commitment to the First Amendment means, in the words of Justice Holmes, “freedom for what we hate.” As quoted in Students’ Right to Read (NCTE, 1982), “Censorship leaves students with an inadequate and distorted picture of the ideals, values, and problems of their culture. Writers may often be the spokesmen of their culture, or they may stand to the side, attempting to describe and evaluate that culture. Yet, partly because of censorship or the fear of censorship, many writers are ignored or inadequately represented in the public schools, and many are represented in anthologies not by their best work but by their safest or least offensive work.” What are the issues involved in censorship (Schroles, Robert. "Fahrenheit 451 Review." Robert Schroles Guide for Educators. 20 February 2002. http://www.answers.com/topic/Farenheit 451 ) Imagine that a group wants to ban Fahrenheit 451 because Montag defies authority. For the sake of the argument, assume for

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