Explore the Implications of the Title "Great Expectations"

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Explore the Implications of the Title “Great Expectations”. One of the many running themes throughout Charles Dickens’ novel “Great Expectations” is the expectations which are placed upon certain characters and that certain characters have. These expectations can usually be placed into one of three categories; monetary expectations, romantic expectations or social expectations. Dickens uses these different types of expectations to continually disappoint almost every main character at varying points in the book as he does or doesn’t allow their expectations to be realised. The ways in which the characters deal with their disillusionment shows the true strength and quality of their personality as well as helping to shape their character for the future. By far the most extreme reaction to their expectations not being realised is that of Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham fully expects to live out her dream of marrying her love Mr Compeyson, however when these hopes are dashed and Miss Havisham is jilted at the altar she immediately spirals into a break-down. Herbert Pocket explains all this to Pip (and makes it clearer for the readers) in chapter twenty two, he describes how Miss Havisham shortly after “laid the whole place waste” and that “she has never since looked upon the light of day”. This shows just how weak her character was on the inside as she was unable to accept the set back and continue her usual (and very luxurious) way of life. Chronologically speaking, this was the very first loss of expectations in the book and serves as a permanent example to the rest of the characters of what the consequences may be if they rely too heavily upon their own expectations. Miss Havisham mainly dealt with her loss by becoming a recluse and hiding from the outside world from the comfort of Satis House. The other way she dealt with her extensive psychological pain was to take
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