Explain the Sequence and Rate of Each Aspect of Development from Birth to 19

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Children develop at different rates, but they all follow the same sequance. Development is often referred to on a timeline and is broken down in ages. As development is more rapid in early years the milestones start by being quite close together before becoming further apart as baby becomes a child and then a young adult. The aspects of development that children are measured on are physical, language, social and emotional, and intellect. Physical Development: Within physical development there are lots of different areas: -Gross motor skills - are the large movement of your body ( arms and legs) e.g: walking, running, throwing, punching, hopping. -Fine motor skills - are the skills of the hand, e.g- picking up a small object, holding a pencil, etc. -Hand- eye coordination - this is the skill of using the eyes to help to do things with the hands, e.g: throwing, catching or writting. 0 - 1 years: head control still unsteady; watches movement of own hands, plays with own hands; kicks legs and waves arm; uses arms for support when lying on stomach; turns from back to side; sits with support; they are beginning to crawl or shuffle; pulling or pushing on furniture to stand and then cruise using furniture or adult for support; sitting has progressed to unaided and they are rolling from their front to their back; they are beginning to be inquisitive with objects, passing them between hands, handling them in different ways and looking for things that are hiding; head and eyes move together; their hand to eye co-ordination improves as items are passed from hand to hand; their first teeth may start to appear; solid foods may start to be introduced; 1 - 3 years: can walk alone; walkes up and down the stairs with both feet on one step, or with hand held on ; climbs on furniture; stands and walks on tiptoe; toys will start to be pulled/pushed along
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