Experiment on Balloons and Yeast

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[Type text] UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG JUNE 2011 COURSE: QUESTION PAPER: SUBJECT CODE: FIRST EXAMINERS: PSYCHOLOGY 1A INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY PSY1A11 TIME: 2 HOURS MARKS: 120     PROF C STONES PROF A BURKE DR G KRUGER MR W HUMAN SECOND EXAMINER: MR. P. BASSON THIS PAPER CONSISTS OF 27 PAGES. NAME AND SURNAME: VENUE: STUDENT NUMBER: CONTACT NUMBER:  MARK YOUR ANSWERS ON THIS QUESTION PAPER, AS WELL AS ON THE ANSWER SHEET AND HAND IN THIS QUESTION PAPER, ALONG WITH THE ANSWER SHEET. COURSE: PSYCHOLOGY 1A QUESTION PAPER: INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY Identify the number of the choice which best answers or completes the question 1. The rapid shift of the neuron's electrical potential from -70 millivolts to + 40 millivolts is called: A. polarization. B. an action potential. C. a resting potential. D. hyperpolarization. 2. What is the effect of the myelin sheath on the conduction of neural impulses? A. Myelin sheaths decrease the speed of electrical conduction. B. Myelin sheaths increase the speed of electrical conduction. C. Myelin sheaths have no effect on the speed of electrical conduction. D. Myelin sheaths are responsible for the refractory period after a neuron has fired. 3. In the human body, the ______________ nervous system is responsible for activating the body for such things as the fight-or-flight response, whereas the ___________ nervous system is responsible for calming and slowing down the body. A. autonomic; somatic B. somatic; autonomic C. parasympathetic; sympathetic D. sympathetic; parasympathetic 4. The brain stem is found in the hindbrain and is comprised of the ________, which controls vital functions like respiration and heart rate, and the ________, which acts as a bridge between higher and lower levels of

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