Exegesis Of Psalm 63

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Jessica Driggers Poetic Books 4-8-11 Exegesis of Psalm 63 Introduction Unfortunately, in today’s society, worship of God is seldom pursued by Christians with spiritual fervor and intensity. We have matched our thinking with that of the culture around us. We have become so accustomed to comfort and safety that our spiritual walks are marred by apathetic indifference. Should it take a crisis for a believer to earnestly seek after God? Should passion be visible only in the new converts? It is easy for Christians to become complacent about faith and to take things for granted. Over time our zeal and passion for God begins to lessen. We need now, more than ever, to be revived. We need to be reminded of the meaning of what a true, personal relationship with God looks like. I can think of no better passage in the Bible to address this than Psalm 63. In this psalm, worship of God is depicted as passionate, transparent, genuine, and urgent. The psalmist (David) depicts the intentions of his heart to be earnestly seeking God, thirsting and yearning for Him. This psalm is unique in that it allows its readers to peer in on a very intimate time of worship in the life of David. “It is a song of the most delicate form and deepest spiritual contents.”[1] It expresses praise, adoration, concern, trust, contentment, thanksgiving, confidence, and hope in a way that demonstrates worship as a passionate, yet meaningful expression of dependence on a real and living God. “It is remarkable that in this Psalm...there is no petition. There is gladness, there is praise, there is the most exalted communion with God, there is longing for His Presence as the highest of all blessings; but there is not one word of asking for temporal, or even for spiritual good.”[2] Literary Context Format: 63:1a: O God, 63:1b: Thou art my God, 63:1c: Early will I seek thee; 63:1d: My soul

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