Examples Of Loyalty In Lord Of The Flies

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Karlee Herbert Mrs. Martinez English 10 22 November 2011 Jealousy Is the Ugliest Trait When something tragic happens, we must learn to cope with the feeling and emotions, when people do those things, it helps the people around us. In the novel, The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, some boys were stuck on an island, and one thing they did not do was stick together. On this island, the boys went from civilized people to savages in a matter of days. There is jealousy, betrayal, and leadership between the groups of boys. Sometimes life gets hard and bad things happen and no one knows why. What we need the most, are the people around us to stick together. The boys have one group who stuck together and had one leader who takes care of them all. They looked up too him and all that he did, and that was Ralph. One other group lead by Jack is what made this island a danger to everyone. Having someone to look up to and to look after you is good and bad. The reason for this is because, as a leader, you are either loved or feared. In this case, Ralph is the on who all the kids look up to and love, but when one gets jealous they rebel. Jack’s jealousy in this book is unbearable, you never…show more content…
When people stick together they can do great things, and because one decides to be selfish and not think of the other boys, he ruins it all. People die, people suffer, and they don’t get to see their families. Jealousy ruins people and makes them ugly. They also begin to rebel, and make everything else hard. “Let’s be moving,” “we’re wasting time.” (Golding, 101). He begins to think to himself that he can lead. Jack has littluns, who are now savages, and they all think Jack can destroy everyone. These boys don’t know what they are doing, so they begin to follow in whoever’s foot steps. They all start to loose respect for one another and begin to become uncivilized

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