Examples Of First Impressions In Maestro

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Maestro – introductory questions on the relationships established by the novel’s opening. 1. Have you ever had an experience when your ‘first impressions’ of a person, place or experience were ‘misleading’? How did your initial expectations change over time? Yes, I think everyone has misleading first impressions all the time, but it changes overtime as you get to know the individual and understand their story, personality, likes & dislikes etc. Nevertheless, this doesn’t necessarily mean that first impressions are not misleading. First impressions might also be the rock that you base your relationship with. For example, love at first sight. It is the rawness of the person where they truly be themselves and the other loves them for…show more content…
Paul thought Keller was an incompetent man who wasn’t qualified to teach piano. Their first lessons were always very bazaar, even Pauls mother thought so. However, overtime Paul warms up towards Keller as he understands him more and sees the deep and greatness of Keller. b) Kellers first impression of Paul was that he was a boy with a very special talent but was covered with arrogance. He knew Paul was very skilled at piano but if he opened up to learning something new, he could be even better. 3. Paul’s parents – how does he describe them? How important is it for two people in a relationship to hold similar views and interests? Can people with widely differing views and limited common interests have a fulfilling relationship? How different and how much the same are Paul’s parents? Paul says they always seemed happy, but is this credible? How do you explain their success together? Paul’s description of his parents are that they are easy going and both very loving and supportive. For 2 people in a relationship to hold similar views and interests is not really important. In this case, the parents have totally different views on everything and different interests, but they do have one strong bond with music that brings them together to create a happy

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