An Excellent Captain works well with the squad and coach. She always attempts to keep communications opened in both directions. She does not show any favoritism and all decisions are based on what is best for the whole team. A captain does not consider it tattling or betrayal to report something that reflects on the squad to the coach. She knows how to delegate, has great people skills, can mediate disagreements without taking sides, and is familiar with all aspects of a cheerleading squad.
It is important that coaches understand what values they wish to instill in their athletes. What types of characteristics and skills does the coach want the athlete to posses when they leave the program? To me the value of coaching young athletes is extremely rewarding. The opportunity for me to give to these athletes what all my coaches gave
What is your current, personal philosophy of coaching/teaching? My personal philosophy about coaching is if I have knowledge about anything I will pass it on to my players. I personally believe playing sports as a child builds confidence and gives the children a sense of
Ingenuity for something is what to me, can be considered as precious. Life will have its beautiful moments, and the day anyone is able to find, declare, and embrace a talent, it can change every aspect of their lives but everything seems to happen for the best, right? As I would mature, I'd hear about several people pertaining to one specific talent. I for one was fortunate of being able to find my own talent at about the age of four and from then on I only thought of improving upon it. Soccer fed me knowledge, gave me an aesthetic perspective at everything else around me, and best of all, the ability to love doing something over moderately without getting tired of it.
When kids play soccer they learn discipline and how to get along with others which also promotes self-esteem. Soccer is a game that is equally fun for boys and girls. Kids who play soccer in small towns or begin playing when they are young are often part of coed teams. When boys and girls learn to work together as equals, lessons are being learned that will serve both sexes well in their future to come. Players develop a team attitude and become protective of each other both on and off the field.
Cheerleading is all about competition, teamwork, and dedication and I think that’s why it’s my favorite sport. When I first starting cheering I fell in love with the sport! I learned discipline, teamwork, and trust. Being able to trust my teammates with my life when they throw me in the air is a feeling like no other. My coaches have made me gain confidence and that means the world to me.
Graff says that with all the statistics/thoughts involved with sports, it’s actually helping with development of literacy and is actually mentally stimulating for the student reading them. 2. To support the analogy with sports structure and life is very blatant and obvious to me --- life is a ‘team sport.’ No matter what you do, you will have to work with others to achieve a goal. This holds true to every specialization and raising. You might have an idea that can evolve humanity to new stage, but without the funding to do so, it will remain an idea.
First find out all of the details of what happened, the school's policy, and get the advice of your athletic director before making a decision and think also what long-term impact of your decision. Discipline also means doing the right thing and doing everything for the better of the team. In practice, this means doing every drill the right way, every time. Some coaches are "go" coaches and like the fast-break, full-court press, gambling, trapping, and like the game to be a track meet. This style of play is ideal for a team with lots of quick, allowing for lots of substituting.
During practice sessions and observations it was observed that successful coaches demonstrated their ability to incorporate all skills of the game to create successful players i.e. coaching athletes to be competent with all skills in their fields. This demonstrates Siedentops thoughts on pedagogy as he considers pedagogy ‘as the skilful arrangement of an environment in such a way that students acquire specifically intended (intentional) learning’s. Pedagogy links teachers and coaches’ actions with students’ outcomes’. (Siedentop, D. 1987 p.115) The dominant theory of learning in the first half of the twentieth century was behaviourism.
We provide an experiential approach through activities and play opportunities, children can practice, learn to take and evaluate risk, solve problems, make decisions, work independently and as part of a team. Every child is respected and their own self-image, self-worth and self-esteem is an important part of the Foundation phase framework. Emphasis is on inclusive practice to all with opportunity provided so that every child is able to reach their full potential and to prepare them for further learning. Children’s development is based on their stage of learning as well as their age. The indoor and outdoor environment provides them with fun, exciting and stimulating opportunities to play and learn.