“Examine Different Sociological Views on Changes in Experience of Childhood in Past 50 Years or so.” (24 Marks)

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In this essay I intend to evaluate and examine the different sociological views on changes in the experience over the past 50 years or so. There are several different sociological views on whether these changes have been beneficial to children or not. In the pre-industrial society childhood did not exist. Children were seen as little adults and this means that they took part in the same jobs as the adults like working in mines, farms and factories and bringing income in to the family in the pre-industrial society the main idea about children was that they were seen as an economic asset to the family. Being seen as little adults children did not have specialised toys, TV programmes which were specifically for children. The first sociologist to argue about childhood is Philippe Aries (1962). Aries argued that children were regarded as an economic asset rather than a symbol of love for one another. Aries believed that children were not seen as having different “nature” or needs from adults at least not once they had passed the stage of physical dependency during infancy. In the middle ages childhood was shorter soon after been weaned the child entered the wider society on much the same terms as an adult beginning work from an early age often in the household of another family. In the past because children were seen as little adults they were the same under the rights, duties and skills as adults on of the examples of this is that the laws in pre-industrial society made no difference between children and adults and children were often faced the same server punishments as adult, like in the past a 7 year old could be hung for stealing. Aries also argues that our contemporary nation of childhood did not emerge until the 16th and 17th centuries so Aries believes that childhood is a relatively “recent invention”, childhood was not seen as a time of life. He argues that

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