Evaulate the Bem Sex Role Inventory Scale

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Dr Sandra Bem invented the Bem sex role inventory scale to measure androgyny. Someone who is androgynous has both male and female traits. Dr Bem suggested that these type of people were are more psychologically healthy. Lindy and roesenberg said these type of individuals have been found to have higher self-esteem and Lotsky said they tend to have high levels of identity achievement. The methodology used to identify whether someone is androgynous is a self-report method (a questionnaire) in which participants reported on their own behaviours and feelings. They were given feelings and behaviours as questions and in reply they had use the scale given to them to measure how true a behaviour or a feeling was. For e.g. if the question was ‘cheerful’ and if they thought this was ‘usually true’ they would write the number associated with that near the question number. After completion of questionnaire, each column of scale numbers would be added up, then the total of one column would be added to the total of column 5 to find the masculine traits, total of column 3 and 6 would be added to find score of feminine traits and then to identify the BEM score the feminine score would be subtracted from the masculine score. The final step is to compare the BEM score to the androgyny scale to see which category the results align to and to identify whether an individual is androgynous. In evaluation a strength to this study is that it produces quantitative data allowing you to identify trends and patterns as well as this the methodology can be completed in the exact same procedure by someone else and has proved reliability, producing similar results. However, the questionnaire is subjective as well as biased; people are more likely to respond with socially desirable answers as they are responding with information about themselves. This reduces vadility. Moreover, reducing the
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