Evaluation of the Works of Baroque and Romantic Artists

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Evaluation of the works of Baroque and Romantic artists


A painting is not just an work with paper and color; enormous ideals philosophy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, literature etc can be engraved in every part of it. Art is something which not only portrays the emotion or the creation of an artist but they also tell us about various timeline that human civilization gone through and the various changes that time brings in our culture and thinking. The baroque period and romantic period are two different time period; during this time artworks of the artists took turn from the traditional ways as well the thinking and the artistic views.

Baroque could be the last stage of Renaissance art or it could be the beginning of a new period of painting. Baroque art was not specifically Italian, although it is thought to have begun in Rome. It quickly spread to the Protestant North, and Baroque characteristics were applied to subjects other than religion (we find quite a number of contemporary themed works). Baroque thus can be considered as a portal that leads to newer style of arts. The word "baroque" was first applied to the art of period from the late 1500s to the late 1700s, by critics in the late nineteen century. Baroque, in arts, is a style in which painters, sculptors and architects mingled emotion, movement and variety in their works. Baroque favors higher volumes, exaggerates decorations, adds colossal sculptures, huge furniture etc. Sense of movement, energy and tension are dominant impressions (teachers.ausd.net). Strong contrasts of light and shadow often enhance dramatic effects, it takes painting to a new dimension with Caravaggio's discovery of Tenebrism. In this period the scientific advancements and the knowledge of astronomy were the much more discussed issues among the artists and these things are seen through their
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