Government Policies Affect The Uniformed Public Services

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There are Three Main Government Policies that affect the Uniformed Public Services and the Communities they serve, these are; Human Rights, Financial Policies and Equal Opportunities. Financial Policies has a tremendous impact on all the Public Services, Funding for the Public Services is the heart and soul for each and every Service, and without the necessary funding required, the Public Services would not be able to carry out their assigned tasks as efficiently as if they had the funding, this is because lack of funding impacts the amount of employed Personnel, both the amount and quality of specialised equipment, and cause the Services to become unable to maintain their complex infrastructures. Without the correct personnel and equipment,…show more content…
Equal Opportunities allows everyone within the Public Services to be seen as equals, Men and Women, no matter which ethnic background they originate from receive equal pay and rank ensuring that employees are evaluated on their abilities instead of their Gender or Race. This impacts the Public Services as it ensure that all employees within the Services and equal and not discriminated against. Equal opportunities also impacts the people that are recruited as many areas encourage ethnic minorities and women to sign up, as this makes the Area more equally represented. Furthermore, Equal Opportunity Polices can also impact the Uniform worn, for example Sikhs are able to wear a Turban with their Force Badge clearly on the Front instead of Police hats, and Muslim women are able to wear a dark blue head covering under their Police…show more content…
These powers must be carefully regulated to avoid abuses by the state and its public services against individual members of the public. However, even in a country like the UK with highly trained and knowledgeable officers, a breach of human rights can still occur. This is why laws and policies as the Human Rights Act 1998 exist. The Act makes it clear that certain rights are given to all UK citizens and if these rights are broken by the public services then an individual has the right to take the service to court and challenge its actions. Human Rights are a key part in every Human Beings day to day lifestyle. Human Rights impact the Public Services as it ensure that all the members of each public Services individual rights are protected. Both the Members of the Public Services and the Communities they serve receive the same Basic Human Rights, including; the right to life, no punishment without law, prohibition to torture, the right to a fair trial, and the protection of property. These Rights impact the services positively as it ensures every human being is treated

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