Ethics Poem Analysis

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Ethics Linda Pastan’s poem “Ethics” starts off by giving the reader a philosophical question that is almost impossible to answer. Pastan allows the reader to really think throughout the entire poem by bringing up questions that are not always easy to answer. Pastan focuses on structure in her poem to help allow the reader to think and question what the poem is about. When the teacher in the poem starts to explain that whoever answers the question is completely responsible for the future of the painting and the woman, it brings the phrase "the burdens of responsibility" onto the next line so it is separated. Pastan does this to allow the reader to see that those burdens are by themselves and to make them pop out more by isolating those words onto the next line. Pastan uses line breaks throughout the whole poem to add depth to certain words that the reader may not catch without them being separated. The levels of language also shift in the middle of this poem. Pastan uses these different levels to allow her poem to grow, even though the question never gets easier to answer. The poem starts off with fairly easy language by using words like “anyhow” to prove to the reader that it is a younger voice speaking. As the poem progresses the language becomes more mature with the line breaks and words like “eschews” which are more complex. Pastan shifts the language and sentence structure half way through her poem to show that the poem is growing and progressing just like the person who must answer the question. This poem allows the reader to think about life and the choices you must make in life. Pastan proves that sometimes you may not know the answer to a question when you are younger and think that when you are older you will know the answer, but sometimes you just never find the answer you are looking for no matter how old you
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