Ethics and Society: My Personal Moral Code

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Ethics and Society: My Personal Moral Code By James Gleason I view my personal moral system as a guide or blueprint for my own behavior. Like everyone else, my moral system is a product of family upbringing, environment, cultural expectations and a personal perception of what is good and bad, right and wrong. I do my best to think about the consequences of my actions before I take them, keep an open mind, listen before I speak and consider the rights and lives of other people. Like the author mentioned in Chapter 8, my moral code combines much of what has already been taught in the textbook; the difficulty is taking the best of each moral philosophy and combine them into a functioning system that works best for me personally as well as my interaction with the world at large. I think the founding principle for my moral code is the Principle of Truth Telling and Honesty that the textbook discusses on pages 149 and 150. I believe every human being should be 100 % honest and forthcoming even if it causes temporary discomfort and pain for another human being(s). This means always refraining from lying, cheating and stealing even if it may personally benefit you, your friends, your co-workers or loved ones and family members. Being honest with yourself and others makes you a trustworthy person. Honesty breeds self-respect and garners the respect of others which allows you to live life with a clear conscience because you know you are striving for utmost integrity at all times under all circumstances. Honesty builds trust in your relationships with others because they can always count on you to be a fair and sincere person. I try to be as honest as possible with myself and other people; everything else falls into place after that. In addition to honesty, the other moral values I consider most important are kindness and compassion, courage, forgiveness and modesty. For

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