Ethical Simulations: The Mysterious Rose And The Cold Feet

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ETHICS GAME DILEMMAS Tony Houston Ethics and Social Responsibility 316 [ December 27, 2012 ] Cyril Kellett After reviewing both Ethics Game Dilemma simulations, The Mysterious Rose and The Cold Feet, the following ethical issues are pointed out: The first ethical issue is regarding a company employee named Gayle Dornier, who has apparently been receiving unwanted flowers a few days a week from someone, and she has no idea who it is. Receiving such an abundance of flowers has began to make her uncomfortable, therefore she is using her Chain of Command to find a possible solution to the problem. After speaking to Rian Brown who is the company’s Ethics Officer, I decided that the…show more content…
The Relationship Lens is focused on processing the systems needing for an ethical organization. It protects the basic liberties of all people Everyone is entitled to their rights no mater what their income status is as well as the right to a fair process. The Reputation Lens is focused on whether we are exhibiting the virtues which are prized in the community for people who are in our roles. These ethical lenses affected my decision making in that it ensured that I was open and honest in all facts of these cases. Ethical perspective is not always about making everyone happy, because it is virtually impossible to make everyone happy. Ethical perspective is more focused on making the best decision for the good of all individuals involved as well as setting the standard in future situations. These ethical lenses helped to influence my decisions based on the information that was provided. It allowed me to be fair and just towards all individuals concerned as well as guide provide me with the proper steps to
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