Essay on the Book 'Holes' by Louis Sacher

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Holes Louis Sacher Holes Louis Sacher The book ‘Holes’ is a great book about a boy names Stanley and the way, he is wrongly sent to Camp Green Lake, at Camp Green Lake, he will be built, not just physically but mentally. It was definitely a different lifestyle to what someone like Stanley was used to. The setting for him was gruelling, and unattractive, whilst the other boys got on with it. At Camp Green Lake, Stanley has to dig a hole 5ft wide and 5 ft deep every day. After he has dug his hole, he spits in it and attends the disgusting, broken and horrifying wreck-room. The holes play an important part in this story. The holes are building Stanley’s character and turning him into something he isn’t. The Holes aren’t just an unpleasant task Stanley is set to do in intolerable weather for no reason. It is a different scene than what Stanley is used to. The showers they were given were short and sharp. They were also freezing cold. It takes about the same time to get used to the temperature of the water as it does to actually have the shower with soap. The showers are meant to be the boys reward after a big day digging all day then just hanging out in the wreck-room. The showers would definitely make anyone feel embarrassed. The Wreck-room is the place the boys would usually go after a dry and dehydrating day digging all day. The wreck-room has it all. It had A pool table, a T.V, a couch and a table. Only problem is that it is all broken. The Wreck-room was still perfectly fine for the irregular boys, mainly because it was what they were used to. To them it is heaven, to anyone else, it looks like a tornado

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