Essay On Mexican American War

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The Mexican American War It is a war that has been debated on and dissected for many years. Some say the war was in our, America’s, best interest, but others may argue that the war was just a way for a land hungry James K. Polk to grab more land for America. After all, manifest destiny was a government policy during his term. Whichever side you favor, we got what we wanted even if the war was uncalled for. When James Polk became president in 1844 he emphasized the expansion of the U.S. The only problem was that Mexico owned the territory we needed to expand. Now Polk, being a clever man, decided to provoke Mexico to get what he wanted. But there was already a dispute between Texas and Mexico. See, the initial problem started when Congress annexed Texas in 1845. To only heat things up further, Texas claimed there southern border was the Rio Grande, while Mexico persisted it was the Nueces River. When the argument couldn’t be settled, ambassador John Slidell was sent to offer Mexico $25 million for California, Texas, and New Mexico. Unfortunately,…show more content…
General Zachary Taylor’s 2,400 men were up against General Mariano Arista’s 3,300 well trained troops. The battle mainly pitted artillery against artillery. Seeing that they would soon lose, General Arista tried to charge the Americans one last time, but the Mexicans failed to stop us. They retreated to Resaca de la Palma where the armies would battle again resulting in an American win. Not long after, the Americans successfully seized Matamoros and General Taylor moved on to Monterrey where his 4,800 troops engaged in a bloodbath with Santa Anna’s 15,000 soldiers on February 22, 1847. A couple of days later, Santa Anna retreated. This battle came to be known as the Battle of Buena Vista. Americans thought the fight against Mexico would be an easy win, but it was far harder than they
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