Erosion and Deposition

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Introduction Erosion is defined as the removal of soil, sediment, regolith, and rock fragments from the landscape. Most landscapes show obvious evidence of erosion. Erosion is responsible for the creation of hills and valleys. It removes sediments from areas that were once glaciated, shapes the shorelines of lakes and coastlines, and transports material down slope from elevated sites. In order for erosion to occur three processes must take place: detachment, entrainment and transport. Erosion also requires a medium to move material. Wind, water, and ice are the mediums primarily responsible for erosion. Finally, the process of erosion stops when the transported particles fall out of the transporting medium and settle on a surface. This process is called deposition. Energy of Erosion The energy for erosion comes from several sources. Mountain building creates disequilibrium within the Earth's landscape because of the creation of relief. Gravity acts to vertically move materials of higher relief to lower elevations to produce an equilibrium. Gravity also acts on the mediums of erosion to cause them to flow to base level. Solar radiation and its influence on atmospheric processes is another source of energy for erosion. Rainwater has an energy imparted to it when it falls from the atmosphere. Snow has potential energy when it is deposited in higher elevations. This potential energy can be converted into the energy of motion when the snow is converted into flowing glacial ice. Likewise, the motion of air because of differences in atmospheric pressure can erode surface material when velocities are high enough to cause particle entrainment. The Erosion Sequence Erosion can be seen as a sequence of three events: detachment, entrainment, and transport. These three processes are often closely related and sometimes not easy distinguished between each other. A single
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