Erik Erikson's Eight Stages Of Life

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Erik Erikson’s Eight Stages of Life Alicia Smith Post University Interaction between our social environments has an absolute affect on our success in growth and maturity throughout our entire life. Every person’s psychological development is completely dependent and predisposed by their psychosocial experiences. Psychosocial can be defined as involving both psychological and social aspects of every day throughout one’s life. Many factors may contribute to one’s overall psychological health such as the acceptance and influences of daily and life norms that society has made regular. The norms, that society creates, may interfere with a person’s idea of “ideal self,” which may inhibit the development of social bonding. The interference of social bonding can be exceedingly detrimental to one’s growth, especially regarding to the early years on life. The psychosocial development theory was created by the theorist Erik Erikson. Erik Erikson had a very strong background in psychoanalytic, which makes him one of the most recognizable theorists. At age 25, Erikson gathered a certificate in education from the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. This is where he studied underneath Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud’s daughter. Sigmund Freud emphasized about the psychosexual development of a child, instead of Erikson’s psychosocial development (Sharkey, W., 1997). Erikson may be considered a Freudian ego-psychologist, which means that he accepts the principles of Freud as correct, however, Erikson is much more society and culture-orientated. Erikson also uses the epigenetic principle, which is defined as a development through a predetermined unfolding of personalities through eight stages. Each stage is determined by one’s success, or the absence of success, in all the previous stages (Sharkey, W., 1997). For example, stage five cannot be fully carried out properly without

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