Jungian Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Approach

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Carl Jung therapy for personality that gives an important role to the unconscious which he goes beyond of scientific fact his theory is based upon the mystic world. This is the opposite cognitive behavior theory is based upon the theory of organizing oneself. CBT development started to developed with the behavioral the individual during the year’s 1920 Cognitive Behavior therapy (CBT) have multiple selection the most common one are cognitive therapy, Rational Behavior, multimodal behavior and Behavior therapy. Jung considers that the most motivating personality developments occurred during adulthood. Meichenbaum’s (1977) had state within the learning theory outline clients cognition are clear and understandable behaviors that can be modified in their own rights. Albert Ellis’s (REBT) is that people contribute to their own psychological therapy by the way of understanding the event. REBT therapy is use with the intention of cognitive, emotions, and behaviors, which it give-and-take relationship Ellis also encourage the clients to do the thing that they are afraid of. Such as claiming a mountain is you are afraid of heights, or getting involve with people if the individual is fearful of getting involve. This is the contradicting of Jung. Jung has analysis himself to experience the unconscious through his dreams and fantasia Jung believe that he was strong enough to make dangerous journey and come back to talk about it. His goal was to understand the unconscious from the purpose viewpoint of scientist. Ellis thoughts are that society is more disturbs and it more inclusive and exact “people disturb themselves by thing that have happen to them. And by the view, feelings, and actions” (p16) Horney’s (1950) also Adler writes that our Emotional reactions and lifestyle are associated with our basic beliefs and are therefore cognitively created. (P272)
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