Equal Rights Proposition Outline

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Equal Rights Proposition Outline Shunte Sneed Gilbert Rojas Laura Vandegriff Karif Smith Andre Owens Jenel Cavazos Akela Boykin SOC/315 – Cultural Diversity November 19, 2012 The Issues, Challenges and Opportunities Experienced by this Group in the Labor Force Welfare among individuals has been on the agenda for a very long time, and accounting for these effects has had difficulties time doing so. At the same time the economic analysis has increase the progress of the growing…show more content…
Census Bureau data, as of September 13, 2011, the nation's poverty rate rose to 15.1% which means that we have about 46.2 million people living below the poverty line. In the United States people that earn less than $23,050 and they have a family of 4, these people are considered to be living in poverty. Society has constructed this group in such a way that portrays them as a burden on the entire economic system. Poverty is looked upon as a social issue, but this group is made up with people, that has in most cases, been classified as lazy and unwilling to put in the necessary work to get them out of that situation. Even though financial assistance is supposed to be a means of temporary aid, many aren't looking at it that way Many people are taking advantage of the fact that they can get it and not on the fact of if they need it or not. A lot of people that are living in poverty rely on federal assistance in order to ensure their survival. Once they get on assistance many of them find it very difficult to get off of it. Even though this may not be the case for all of those on assistance, the whole group is being classified with the same stigma. With so many people being on federal assistance it has created a lot of stress on our economic system and the tax payers that support it it has created a negative situation because so many see the system being abused and they feel they aren't benefiting…show more content…
Corruption, school-dropouts, and alcoholism are to blame for most of the poor. The land the Native-Americans live on is hard to harvest; therefore farming for food and vegetables can be hard. Property rights on the reservation tend to be non-existent, and weaken prosperity for this culture. Most of lands that Native-Americans live are communally, no one is able to get a clear title to his or her land, making is hard to borrow money or establish credit for improvements or investments they will benefit families. This is called tragedy of the commons, when everyone owns the land no one really owns the land which results in rundown housing due to lack of investments on the property or housing. This is common worldwide where secure property rights exist. It is common in South America, Africa, rent-controlled buildings, and inner-city housing in the U.S. as well as Indian reservations. Canada has the same issues having 630 bands of tribes but what is called a dogged reformer has allowed reservations to be privatized, allowing for ownership of said properties. An Act called First Nations Property Ownership Act will allow bands ownership under tribal laws. Under this laws would give reservations a right under federal government to provide hospitals, schools and zoning laws. Without property rights the reservations will continue a downward spiral of poverty with its population

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