Enzyme Activity Essay

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LABORATORY REPORT (Click on the Save a Copy button on the panel above to save your report) Predictions 1. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at pH 5 2. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at 50 °C (122 °F) 3. Sucrase activity increases with increasing sucrose concentration until a plateau is reached. Materials and Methods Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity. 1. Dependent Variable. amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced 2. Independent Variable. pH 3. Controlled Variables. temperature; amount of substrate (sucrose) present; sucrase + sucrose incubation time Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity. 1. Dependent Variable. amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced 2. Independent Variable. temperature 3. Controlled Variables. pH; amount of substrate (sucrose) present; sucrase + sucrose incubation time Effect of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Activity. 1. Dependent Variable. amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced 2. Independent Variable. amount of substrate (sucrose) present 3. Controlled Variables. temperature; pH; sucrase + sucrose incubation time 4. Describe what is measured as an indicator of sucrase activity and why this is an indicator of sucrase activity. The amount of product produced is an indicator of sucrase activity. This is an indicatore because sucrase is an enzyme found in the small intestine that catalyzes the splitting of the disaccharide sucrose into the monosaccharides glucos and fructose. The amount of product produced indicate the level of sucrase activity that occured. 5. Explain why denatured sucrase was used as a control. Denatured sucrase was used as a control because denatured enzymes, in this case sucrase, lose their shape and can potentially lose their ability to catalyze a chemical reaction. Using deantured sucrase as a control helps to further solidify and/or compare findings from solutions

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