English Teaching Vocabulary Practices for Teachers in Middle School

2012 Words9 Pages
Research Proposal Vocabulary Instructional Practices in Middle School I. Introduction Vocabulary is a critical part of reading comprehension for reading success. Students enter school with different levels of prior knowledge. Research has shown that children from low socioeconomic status tend to have a more limited vocabulary than children entering school from a high socioeconomic status. “Students vocabulary knowledge is influenced by the amount of words they are exposed to from their early years.”(Joshi, 2005 p.211) Students with weak vocabulary tend to read easy books that are not filled with rich vocabulary, which doesn’t allow their vocabulary to increase that much. This is just the opposite for stronger readers. Educators need to understand that the learning of new vocabulary should be taught through explicit vocabulary instruction but it also happens incidentally. (Rupley & Nichols, 2005 p.239) At times vocabulary instruction turns into a word being introduced in isolation and discussed to build connections as a pre-vocabulary activity. Is this a poor practice or a less effective approach? Instruction in vocabulary does not stop with the introduction of the vocabulary word and the definition being given. Students need multiple exposures to the words in context and they need to be provided with opportunities to connect the word with background knowledge to make associations. Student learning is significantly enhanced when effective vocabulary strategies/activities are utilized during instruction opposed to less effective vocabulary strategies which does not significantly impact student learning. In teaching vocabulary which approaches are more effective? Which vocabulary activities produce better student learning? To understand which vocabulary practices produce significant learning in the secondary grades, research needs to be
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