English 1301 Research Paper

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English 1301 Course Syllabus Contact Information: Professor: Curtis D’Costa Email: curtis.dcosta@hccs.edu Office Hours: Mon./Wed. 5-7 pm Course Description, Purpose, and Objectives: MISSION STATEMENT OF THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT The purpose of the English Department is to provide courses that transfer to four-year colleges; introduce students to literature from diverse traditions; prepare students to write clear, communicative, well-organized, and detailed prose; and develop students’ reading, writing, and analytical skills. ENGLISH 1301 COURSE DESCRIPTION English 1301 is a course devoted to improving the student's writing and critical reading. The course involves writing essays for a variety of purposes from personal to academic, including the introduction to argumentation, critical analysis, and the use of sources. English 1301 is a core curriculum course. COURSE PURPOSE English 1301 is designed to help students write multi-paragraph expository, analytical, and argumentative essays that have the following qualities: • • • • • • • • • • Clarity in purpose and expression, Appropriate and sensible organization, Sound content, including applications of concepts from and references to assigned readings, Completeness in development, Unity and coherence, Appropriate strategies of development, Sensitivity to audience, Effective choice of words and sentence patterns, Grammatical and mechanical correctness, and Appropriate MLA citation format.…show more content…
Demonstrate knowledge of writing as process. 2. Apply basic principles of critical thinking in analyzing reading selections, developing expository essays, and writing argumentative essays. 3. Analyze elements such as purpose, audience, tone, style, strategy in essays and/or literature by professional

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