Emerging Adulthood Essay

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In the article "Emerging Adulthood" by Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, emerging adulthood is a phased where Arnett's differentiates emerging adulthood from adolescence and young adulthood. Arnett's theory was to differentiate and explain how young adolescence become independent at an early age, how some move from their home, some do not continue school once they graduate high school, how others would continue to college, and how some of them do not have sufficent income to become fully independent. However a cultural context of the idea of emerging adulthood is outlined and it is also specified that emerging adulthood exists only in cultures that allow young people a prolonged period of independent role exploration during the late teens and twenties. Arnett's feels the emerging adult should be studied as it's own category of lifespan development. Arnett explains that, “I argue that this period, emerging adulthood is neither adolescence nor young adult but it is theoretically and empirically distinct from them both”. In this article, Arnett also states that emerging adulthood is distinguished by relative independence from social role and normative expectations. This is a time of life when many different directions remain possible, when little about the future has been decided for certain, when scope of independent exploration of life’s possibilities is greater for most people than it will be any other period of the life course. (Arnett, 2000). Emerging adulthood is very unique from the adolescent and the full-fledged adult. Emerging adulthood tend to have a wider scope of possible activities than persons in other age periods because they are less likely to be constrained by role requirement. Arnett states that, “ It adolescence is the period from ages 10-18 and emerging adulthood is the period from (roughly) ages 18-25, most identity exploration takes place in emerging

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