Features of Early Adulthood

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Features of early adulthood - Psycho/social The late teens and early twenties is a time where young people face many challenges and feelings of uncertainty. It is when adolescence is left behind and adult responsibilities are assumed. However these routes to adult responsibilities are highly diverse in timing and order across individuals. During these years of extended exploration, young people prolong identity development as they explore alternatives in breadth and depth. These alternatives may be work, personal beliefs, values, love and those with the economic resources can explore alternatives in education. However in trying out all the possibilities, young people may change career paths, study and work part time, or interrupt study to travel. As a result of these experiences, young people’s attitudes and values broaden. Being exposed to multiple perspectives encourages development of a more complex self-concept that includes awareness of their own changing traits and values over time and enhanced self-esteem. Together, these changes contribute to advances in one’s identity. Many aspects of the life course that were once socially structured such as marriage, parenthood, religious beliefs, and career paths are increasingly left to individual decision. Emerging adults play a more active role in their own development than at any earlier time. As they explore, they often face disappointments in love and work that require them to adjust, and sometimes change, their life path. It is therefore important an individual has social support to foster resilience. According Erikson’s developmental model young adults are developing a sense of personal identity along with a need for closeness to others. This stage is known as intimacy versus isolation where it is imperative for people to develop close and committed relationships with others (Cote & Levine
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